Handy Dandy Chest Rub


This stuff is magical! Feel a cold coming on? Achy? Grab this and rub between shoulder blades and on chest so it can fight for you!

Infused with Blueberry seed, Eucalyptus and our handy dandy friend, dandelion-this trio is to proactively fight against congestion, soreness and the overall feeling “unwell” this has been my friend for cold and flu season and my go to when one of my kids says, “mama, I don’t feel too good.” I rub this into their back and chest, with no worry of harmful ingredients AND they get almost immediate relief! It helps to relax and soothe and encourages kids to snuggle ;-) it won’t burn eyes and there is no complaint of “too strong” of a smell. 

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This stuff is magical! Feel a cold coming on? Achy? Grab this and rub between shoulder blades and on chest so it can fight for you!

Infused with Blueberry seed, Eucalyptus and our handy dandy friend, dandelion-this trio is to proactively fight against congestion, soreness and the overall feeling “unwell” this has been my friend for cold and flu season and my go to when one of my kids says, “mama, I don’t feel too good.” I rub this into their back and chest, with no worry of harmful ingredients AND they get almost immediate relief! It helps to relax and soothe and encourages kids to snuggle ;-) it won’t burn eyes and there is no complaint of “too strong” of a smell. 

This stuff is magical! Feel a cold coming on? Achy? Grab this and rub between shoulder blades and on chest so it can fight for you!

Infused with Blueberry seed, Eucalyptus and our handy dandy friend, dandelion-this trio is to proactively fight against congestion, soreness and the overall feeling “unwell” this has been my friend for cold and flu season and my go to when one of my kids says, “mama, I don’t feel too good.” I rub this into their back and chest, with no worry of harmful ingredients AND they get almost immediate relief! It helps to relax and soothe and encourages kids to snuggle ;-) it won’t burn eyes and there is no complaint of “too strong” of a smell.